Thursday, July 11, 2013

DUI Plea Letter to Judge

For offenses such as driving under the influence, you may be in need of a sincere DUI court letter. Here is a sample letter for a first time DUI offender who is requesting for a court-supervised alcohol rehab program.

The Honorable Margaret Gayle
California Superior Court
South West, Courthouse
CA 903625

Re: Case no. NSFWFTW-69

Dear Judge Gayle,

My name is Adam Lee Roman. I was charged for driving under the influence of alcohol on April 14, 2013. The DUI offense stems from my unfortunate decision to drive myself home after a birthday party. With my senses impaired, I eventually misjudged a turn and hit a tree straight-on. The incident caused my left leg to be fractured in several places, shards of glass also pierced my face. My injuries are extensive and the hours of physical therapy still come in very long, painful strides, but the lesson I learned here was invaluable. I truly realized that I was very fortunate that I did not injure anyone else, to have caused the same kind of damaged and pain on someone or even horribly death. I learned all of these things the hard way, the weeks I spent at the hospital and seeing my mother in tears of which such heartbreak cannot be undone. But I stand to correct myself and my ways. I would like to submit myself to an alcohol treatment program as soon as possible or on any rehabilitative program the court deems proper.

I would like to plead for leniency your honor, please allow me the opportunity to turn my life around, I believe the possibility of imprisonment is a huge factor for change alone. Still, I would like to be responsible for my actions and accept the consequences of my offense. Inside me, I believe is an individual who wants to be useful and productive to the community. Prior this, I have no criminal or any record of offense, my driving record is also very much clean. I have been an honor student throughout my younger years and an active volunteer at the local animal shelter.

Further, I would like to apologized for the cost and time incurred by my offense. In these dire economic times, the cost I had unfortunately brought upon the State could have been very well spent on other public services. I truly am sorry for being a burdened to the system.

More importantly, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter, your honor. I am thankful to the court for the attention and consideration it has given me.

Sincerely yours,
Adam L. Anderson
Related searches: How to write DUI court letter, plea letter to judge , driving under the influence letter, 

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