Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cover Letter for Dog Walker position

Sample cover Dog Walker job , cover letter example for Dog Walking position with experience

Dear Dog Owner,

I am Jurvis Tufts, I am 20 years-old and a 10 year resident of San Bernardino. I am very much known as the neighborhood Dog walker for several years now. I am applying for the Dog Walker job you posted at the Supermarket bulletin board.

I am not hard to miss on mornings, one may find me on one of my daily routines walking several canines in front of Pope street or on route to the vet for 10am check-ups. As a true dog lover, I have two dog companions - a Labrador and a Mastiff which I very much love and care for. I am very passionate about animals in general (cats, dogs, hamsters, gerbils, fish) and I do my share of volunteer work at the Animal Welfare and Rescue Center at the Community Center.

My main tasks have always been taking pets for walks, playing fetch, feeding, cleaning up after and hydrating pets after long walks. My walk hours are always consistent regardless of undesirable weather patterns. On cold days, I take the dogs to the Rescue center gym where animals are allowed areas for indoor exercises. I am providing such a service as an option during winter time.

My rates are $50 per week, morning and afternoon walks. If my dog walking services interests you, please give me a call at 222-4633. I can also provide references from other pet owners.

It would be a pleasure to meet you and your pet and discuss any dog walking concerns you may have.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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