Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Example thank you letter to sponsor

Sample thank you letter to sponsor for supporting an educational  program in the school.

Dear Priscilla Rose

On behalf of Children's Catholic Charities, I would like to thank you for supporting our Sponsor-A-Child-to-School programme . This year we were able to enroll over 200 children in 10 struggling communities affected by the floods in Santa Cruz. We were also able to provide free school supplies and uniforms for the children.

We could have not achieve this humanitarian feat without your unwavering support.

In line with this, we will be doing several follow-up outreach trips to these schools in the next month, should you like to come and join us to meet the children for a little gift giving celebration, please let us know. We would be delighted to have you onboard so you can personally witness the changes taking effect in the community of Santa Cruz.

You may call Stella at 222-4444 for any info on our volunteer group or you may drop off your regular contributions at our charity offices. Your donations, cash and in kind, has done so much and will certainly go a long way.

We look forward to seeing you at our next engagement at the community center.

Very Truly Yours,
Sister Katherine
charity non-profit organization letter,  sample thank you letter for donation, thank you note to sponsors

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