Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sample Cover Letter for Teacher’s Aide

Here is a great sample cover letter for Teacher’s Aide. Make your modifications to this letter to be useful for your purpose.

May 30, 2013
Adam Roberts, Vice Principal
MaxChild School
2256 – 80th Avenue
Anywhere, TX  12345

MaxChild School, its children, and their parents deserve the very best Teacher’s Aide.  I am confident that my professional hands-on  experience  and  formal  Early  Childhood  Education qualifications will contribute to the education your school provides.  Please  consider this letter and enclosed resume my official candidacy to help maintain the important and tough standards your school  sets in elementary education.

My  experience  is  relevant  and  extensive,  as  described  in  the  enclosed  resume.    What  my  resume  cannot  illustrate  are  the intangibles  that  set  me  apart  from  other  candidates.    I  have  a  great  love  for  children  and  place  a  high  standard  on  learning.  I possess a calm attitude and superb understanding of children’s needs. 

Family and friends are surprised by how  comfortable  their  children  feel  with  me.    If  you  are  looking  for  someone  who  is  positive,  personable,  and  able  to  perform  in  a  pressure cooker environment, look no further.  This is my belief:

Children  are  an  inspiration;  each  holds  promise  for  our  future.    They  supply  us  with  endless  rays  of  energy,  enthusiasm, warmth, and hope to keep us going.

As  a  professional,  I  am  always  seeking  to  increase  my  skills.  I  recently  ordered  the  book  Sign  Language  Starter  by  Harry  Bernstein.  Sign  language  has  always  intrigues  me,  and  the  benefit  it  gives  to  deaf  children  and  adults  is  remarkable  .    I  am  learning this language on my own and plan to take a course when one becomes available.  The special needs department within  MaxChild  School  is  wonderful;  the  instructors  are  a  remarkable  gift,  and  you  can  tell  they  put  their  heart  and  soul  into  helping  the  children.

Ms. Marry, I would welcome the chance to discuss any vacancies that may arise at MaxChild School and I will contact you next week to  see when we might meet.

Thank you for your consideration.

 Mark J. Anderson

 Enclosed:  Resume

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