Thursday, March 21, 2013

love letter to my husband

Sample Love letter form wife to her husband .. It is very emotional letter ... Enjoy :) 

Dear love,

When I saw your sparkling blue eyes all those years ago my heart skipped a beat. Your humor drew me in and your kindness kept me there . It wasn't long before I knew I could marry you, raise children and grow off with you.

Watching you being a dad for last 13 years makes me see how right my choise was. The kids and I couldn't be more blessed.

I truly didn't think I could love you any more than I already did. But then yo changed all that. For almost 4 weeks now, you've practically taken over food prep for the week. And…you've done it with a happy attitude.

Then , yesterday when I walked in the kitchen and saw you cooking those Turkey Sausages .. just because you realized we were almost out of prepped food. And you found the recipe off on your own… and didn't ask me where the Sags was.. well be still my heart.

I love you more and more each day. And if you keep doing food prep each week, well my heart's going to burst for sure

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