Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cover letter for Adult Education Teacher

Sample Cover letter for Adult Education Teacher, special education teacher, Adjunct Instructor, special needs teacher, Adult Education ESL Teacher, Instructional Advisor, Adult Literacy Teacher

Dear Sir,
I was very pleased to learn of the opening for the position of Adult Education Teacher. I am Ashly Alexander and I obtained my (MSW) Master of Social Work degree from Augsburg College in 2005.

I taught at the Minneapolis Adult Education Center as an Adjunct Instructor for Literacy for four years, first as a teaching assistant and then as a General Adjunct Instructor. I had the opportunity to teach adults 65+ years old and developmentally disabled adults most of whom resided at the Minneapolis long term care facilities.

During the course of the year, I have spent an average of 10 days of teaching which are divided into four hour blocks in groups of three; this includes 14-20 hours of assessment. In line with this, I have excellent teaching and verbal communication skills. I can create and revise my own lesson plans, handouts based on the required course sessions. I am sensitive to the needs of adults with physical and emotional problems. I have adequate knowledge on adult learning theories and practices. I am bilingual in both Spanish and in English. I am avaialble to work a flexible schedule; possibly including night or weekend classes.

I’m confident that my positive outlook, teaching experience, and my overall enthusiasm makes me a strong candidate for this position and I would very much welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications to be part of your teaching faculty.

Ashly S. Alexander
Tel # 222-5423-882

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1 comment:

  1. Never begin a letter with the word "I". It make you look self centered. This writer uses "I' a dozen times and not one thing about what she can do for the school or students. It's not about you, it's about the person you are writing to that counts.
