Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cover letter sample for Kitchen Staff or Hotel Staff

Sample cover for kitchen staff position , cover letter example for hotel staff job with internship experience

Dear Sir,

I am interested in pursuing a career in the hotel and restaurant service industry. I am a new graduate from the University of Sarasota under its Hotel and Culinary Program. I have received basic kitchen training for three months as an apprentice and kitchen steward at DandraMax. This internship has allowed me to learn from experienced sushi chefs their various food preparation techniques in handling raw fish meat. The experience has also provided me the opportunity to work under a team under strict guidelines and time limits set by the master chef.

I guarantee you that I am a very passionate and positive individual who dreams to become an experience and well-rounded chef someday.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my skills with you and find out more about your job requirements. I am also open to any training opportunities as a contractual kitchen staff. I am returning to the city from Spring break after March 10, would it be possible to meet then?

Fresh graduate

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