Friday, April 12, 2013

Intent to retire letter sample

Sample letter of intent to retire from work !! Notice of intent to retire from your job such as retire from teaching ..

Your name
City/state/Zip code


Dr. MaryW. Roberts
Executive Director
Human Resource Services
Sandra Public schools
2 Cedar Street
Sandra, N.J 07 102

Dear Dr. Roberts:
please accept this letter as my official notification of my intent to retire effective (date) . I shall forward to your office , immediately upon receipt , any correspondence from ( Teachers pension Annuity) (TPAF) or Public Employee Retirement System (PERS)~ Pick one)

I an also requesting that your office complete and submit a certification of service and final salary from the division of pensions and benefits . Please send me a copy of this completed form for my records.

Thank you for your consideration of my request. Should you need any additional information , please contact me.

Very truly yours,

Your Name
Social Security Number

Cc:  Dr. Sam Smith, state district superintendent- Sandra public schools
Sandra teachers union, local 520
(your immediate supervisor)

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