Friday, May 10, 2013

Letter of Intent for License Renewal with Quotation

Need a renewal of contract letter? The Client only wants to renew one service or license? but not for your other products? State all the details in your next iron-clad contract. With this letter, you can explain to the client how exclusive and customized this agreement is to their needs.

Dear Client,

This letter is to serve as an addendum to the original agreement dated June 12, 2013, between DelphaSoftware and Atlas-co Inc.

Our company will allow the renewal for the Software license of BudgetWorks Version 2 and we will no longer include the other software licenses in the bundle (AddPlus Max and TrioAudit Ware) as per request.

Atlas-co Inc has been a loyal customer over the last three years, that is why we never take your business for granted. This arrangement has been authorized by the distributor and our regional marketing director solely and exclusively for Atlas-co Inc.

Our current annual license price for a single software from the bundle pack will be $450, payable monthly upon invoicing.

Would you please acknowledge acceptance of this addendum by signing both copies of this letter and returning one copy for our files. I look forward to continuing the relationship we have established.

Thank you for coming to us with all your software product needs.

Truly yours,
Adam Steven
Related searches: contract agreement letter, follow-up letter on contract renewal, Letter of Intent, quotation letter on contract, renewal of contract letter,

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